The article being commented on is about the influence of the Confederacy’s ideology on America today. It is not strictly a Southern issue, just as being pro-slavery was not entirely so. In fact, some of what led up to the Civil War was the issue of whether new territories would be open to slavery or not. Here is a map of the slave territories in 1860.
When you look at the two maps, there is clearly some overlap with the Trump supporting states today and the slave territories of 1860.
Regardless of this overlap, the reason I pointed out that the first map failed to make its point it this. That map doesn’t suggest that there’s “Northern” support for Trump. Literally speaking, the North-East shows significantly less support — which is the opposite of the argument the person was trying to make. The person chose to make his point about geography, and geographically his map shows the South is much more supportive of Trump than the North.
As for more bussiness in our politics, that’s one of the biggest problems we have today. However, that’s a discussion for a different, not-yet-written, article